Blog entry published on 17 May 2010

Shout Outs to Canadian Online Gambling Heroes

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Author: Anton Johan

Man, I love being Canadian. I have three passions in life: women, comics and online gambling. The first two have no place in this blog, but the third gets my juices flowing. I have been gambling online for over 10 years and pride myself on the fact that to date I haven't come even close to gambling away my rent money or even my beer money. You see, I have always understood that moderation is the key to most things in life. And I am not alone. There are millions and millions of people out there just like me.

And it is in this vein that I want to send shout outs to those Canadian provincial governments that have realized that the key to accepting online gambling as a legitimate and growing internet activity is to look at it from the point of view of the majority of Canadian online gamblers who are responsible. And not from the point of view of the minority that cannot control themselves. My intention is not to be insensitive to people who have gambling problems, but rather to focus on and reward those who don't.

For years we have been fed this nonsense that online gambling 'promotes underage and problem gambling.' And while I have no doubt that there is some truth to this, let's not forget that the vast majority of online gambling fans do not have problems and are able to control what they - what we - spend online. Why then should they - we - be punished for the 'shortcomings' of so few? In my opinion we should not, and I believe most Canadians provincial governments are finally starting to see that too.

It's estimated that across the board Canadian online gambling fans are spending close to a billion dollars each year at online gambling websites, the majority of which is spent with offshore online gambling operators. So it makes sense to legalize and regulate the practice throughout Canada to keep the revenues in the country and to put in measures at a provincial level to help prevent and counteract problem and underage gambling.

At the Global iGaming Summit & Expo (GiGSE) hosted in Montreal last week, it came to light that many of Canada's largest lottery corporations including Atlantic Lottery, Loto-Quebec and British Columbia Lottery are ready to launch a 'common online gambling platform' by as early as autumn 2010. This platform would start off by offering online poker, followed by online sports betting and online casinos further down the line. It will be a great day for Canada when online gambling is truly legalized and regulated.

 Posted by Anton Johan at 09:20 on 17 May 2010

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