Blog entry published on 10 May 2010

Why Does Lady Luck Love B.C. Lotto Jackpot Winner

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Author: Anton Johan

Life is full of unanswered questions. Like why woman and men are so different, why bolognaise sauce always tastes better on the second day, why the networks always seem to cancel the shows I love, and why lady luck chooses some people over others?

Now I don't especially consider myself a religious, spiritual, superstitious or philosophical person, but I believe that we are born and then we die. And everything in between can more or less be explained by the greatest mantra of the 20th century: S*** happens.

The point is that while unanswered questions like the few I've highlighted above may keep some people up at night, there is only one that keeps me up in the day, which is the lady luck one. And only because I am such an avid online gambler here in good old Canada.

Victoria, British Columbia (B.C.) to be specific. As a long time fan of gambling I am under no illusion how big a part luck plays in any casino game, from slots (100 percent luck) to Blackjack (skill + luck) etc. Now I'm not complaining or anything, as I've had my fair share of luck over the years. Heck, gambling has paid for my house and my truck, and most recently a shiny new chainsaw.

But I digress. Recently I read about 67-year-old Brian Egli from Tsawwassen who has worked in B.C.'s gambling industry for over 20 years, including as an executive vice-president with the Great Canadian Gambling Corporation for 13 of those.

So imagine his surprise when lady luck came knocking at his door recently, and helped him match all six numbers on his Lotto 6/49 to net him a cool $4.3 million. And after B.C. Lottery Corporation investigators took a few days to ensure that Brian (given his gambling background) and his lucky lotto ticket were on the up and up, the cash was his.

What I want to know is how come lady luck chose Brian over millions of other lottery fans in British Columbia? Was it because he loves kittens, showers his wife with heart-shaped marshmallows every year on her birthday or buys coffee for the homeless in winter?

That's an unanswered question I'd sure like to know the answer to.

 Posted by Anton Johan at 15:39 on 10 May 2010

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