Blog entry published on 30 March 2010

More Canadians than Ever Before into Online Gambling

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Author: Anton Johan

OK, so I'm a die-hard online gambling fan. And I'm a Canadian. In that order. Some people might throw God into the mix in terms of their priorities in life, or what is most important to them. For me, however, the only religion I believe in and support is the religion of online gambling. Period. And my idea of 'heaven' is the freedom to gamble online when and where I want at my own discretion. Similarly, my idea of 'hell' is being prevented from doing just that, especially when it is up to a few 'gray politicians' who feel it is their duty to protect, oversee and even mold the moral fabric of society on behalf of everyone else.

But that pretty much sums up politicians in most of the world. Gray and narcissistic enough to believe that they actually represent the interests of the tens of millions of people who voted them into power. As my old pappy used to say (and the same can be said for lawyers, accountants, bankers and health insurance executives), when it comes to politicians all you can hope for is to end up with the best of a bad lot. No more no less. (You don't have to look further than the country directly south of Canada to get my meaning).

Anyway, as fun as bashing politicians is, I have gone off the point. My point was that despite the fact that online gambling in Canada may not be 100 per cent legal, according to a recent survey more Canadians than ever before are in support of a legalized and regulated online gambling industry in Canada. This is great news because it means that Canadians are finally starting to see online gambling for what it is - a convenient, safe and private internet-based platform for people to gamble as they so wish. Nothing more, nothing less.

According to the survey, 55 per cent of all Canadians are willing to permit online gambling as long as government regulations are put in place. This is up from 48 per cent of Canadians polled on the same issue in 2007. Almost 67 per cent of Canadians think online gambling should be regulated by the federal government, while 33 per cent said it should be dictated by the provincial government. Interestingly, however, the survey revealed that Canadian interest in gambling online is pretty much unchanged, based on regulation or no regulation.

So come on folks, fight for your freedom and right to be able to gamble online as easily as you can look up a recipe for poppy seed muffins.

 Posted by Anton Johan at 03:07 on 30 March 2010

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