Blog entry published on 22 March 2010

Why Online Casino Winners are Good for the Soul

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Author: Anton Johan

Human beings are by nature highly voyeuristic beings, and proof of this is all around us. It's in our insatiable hunger for stories, news, books, movies, reality TV shows, talk shows, social networking sites and testimonials of those around us right now and even those from our past. I guess it's all about feeling a connection to other people by relating to and understanding their stories and what makes them tick so that we don't feel quite so alone on our planet and in the universe. No, I have not been at the wacky weed, I am simply explaining what I think makes us so eager to know so much about the experiences and lessons learned by others - both good and bad.

Take online gambling. If like me you're are an avid online gambler, you're obviously very motivated by winning. Or else what's the point? And I'm not just talking about winning in your capacity, but about how others win (hence the above lengthy psycho babble intro). Let me explain. Whenever I visit an online casino - whether I'm already a member or not - I always make a point of checking out the winner's page or testimonials page. I do this for a couple of reasons. One, I like to see exactly how lucrative the online casino is in terms of its payouts and jackpots. Call me cynical, but I like to know that a casino is as generous as it says it is. And two, I actually get a buzz when I read about other players - online gambling fans just like me - and their stories of winning instant online casino riches.

For instance, as a Canadian I favour more Canadian online casinos (perhaps out of loyalty to the CAN$ or perhaps simply because I find Canadian online casinos to be so good). And right now one of my favourite online casinos is Ruby Fortune Casino, a top-rated Microgaming-powered online casino that is Canadian-friendly, but boasts an impressively large player base from all over the world. How do I know this? Why from checking out its winner's page of course. As I write these words, Ruby Fortune Casino has already published the details of 118 lucky winners from all over the world. Consider the player from Italy who won €28,053 on March 2, or the Canadian who won CAN$13,500 on March 4 (not me unfortunately), or another Italian who won € 56,538 on March 6, and so on right up until today.

Rather than being bitter or jealous or envious, I celebrate in all of these winners because it gives me hope that later today, tomorrow, next week, next month or even next year, I could see my name up there. And then other players just like me can say 'Wow, look at how much that Canadian won! It gives me hope that later today, tomorrow, next week...' And this my friends is why online casino winners are good for the soul.

 Posted by Anton Johan at 09:28 on 22 March 2010

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