Blog entry published on 19 January 2010

Is My Sister an Online Gambling Fiend

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Author: Anton Johan

The title of this blog happens to match the question I asked myself when I came across and read an online article, (supposedly based on an article which recently appeared in a UK daily newspaper.) The article in question talks about the fact that there seems to be a growing number of women in the UK - particularly those who do not have to work - who are turning to online gambling to amuse themselves.

And the problem it seems is that some of these stay-at-home women have or are developing online gambling addictions, which has become something of a cause for concern. According to UK Gambling Commission, more UK women than ever before are entering the once traditionally male domain of online gambling, and as a result are encountering many of the same problems like online gambling addiction. While 99 percent of online gamblers gamble in moderation, it's the remaining 1 percent that has governments, online gambling watchdogs and critics alike screaming bloody murder.

But back to that question I asked myself just a short while ago. Is my sister an online gambling fiend? The answer, I am pleased to report, is no. But for a short while there I thought that maybe I should worry considering the facts, or should I say 'demographics.' Because although unlike the women mentioned in the article, my sister lives in Canada (Toronto if you must know) as opposed to the United Kingdom, there are many similarities between the women with gambling issues described in the article and my sister. For instance, like those women, my sister is also between 25 and 34 years old, as well as a stay-at-home mum of two naughty, but extremely cute twin toddlers (my brother-in-law does alright as a criminal lawyer).

And like the women in the article, my sister loves to gamble online. How do I know this? Simple, I was the one who taught her everything she knows about online gambling. Including that as long as she used a little common sense and never gambled with more than she could afford to lose - ever - she could continue to enjoy the pastime as a hobby it is. And of course, taking after her older brother (yours truly), my sister is smart and has always taken my advice to heart.

However, I am man enough to admit that perhaps I was a little shaken up by the article. So I called up my sister.

After she answered the phone and made me wait for 3 minutes while she poured herself a cup of coffee and buttered a piece of toast. Then she listened quietly as I asked her if she had an online gambling problem. Four and a half minutes later, after she finally stopped laughing so loudly that I had to keep my phone about a foot away from my ear, she replied. 'Dude, you are so sweet for caring, but no, I do not have an online gambling problem. I've probably only deposited about $40 in total.' To which I responded: 'I'm glad to hear that. I dunno if I could live with myself if I thought I'd turned my own sister into an online gambling fiend.' Something about my heartfelt declaration must have struck her funny, because once again she launched into a stomach-busting tirade of laughter, and did not let up until about a minute later I was forced to hang up the phone on her, her characteristically loud chortle/giggle still ringing in my ears.

 Posted by Anton Johan at 05:02 on 19 January 2010

There is 1 comment:
On Monday, January 25, 2010 at 12:19 John said: