Blog entry published on 24 November 2009

Quebec Une Friend to Online Gambling Oui

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Author: Anton Johan

Because while online gambling is legal in most provinces in Canada - most recently in its predominantly French-speaking state of Quebec to the east - in the United States the popular online activity is still banned which boggles the mind. But that's enough about America, let's get back to the home of the Mounties.

Even though Canada has a reputation as being a pretty conservative nation, it's actually pretty forward-thinking in many ways. For instance, it boasts one of the most successful health care systems in the world, is one of the world's top 10 trading nations and embraces the right of its citizens to gamble online.

Well, most of its citizens. Currently British Columbia and the four Atlantic provinces in Canada offer online gambling, and Quebec will join them as of the beginning of next summer. That is very cool news for Quebekians (sp) as it means they too will soon be able to enjoy spinning, rolling, placing and hitting online.

That is spinning online slots reels, rolling the dice at online craps tables, placing bets on roulette tables and hitting for winning cards on online blackjack games and much more. Of course this will all take place through Quebec-based gambling operation, Loto-Quebec, whose revenues are expected to skyrocket.

Currently Loto-Quebec operates a public lottery, four casinos (and related restaurant and hotel services), a video lottery network (including two gaming halls) and network bingo activities. And when it launches its online gambling services, it's shareholders will be very happy. How do you say 'Ka-Ching' in French?

 Posted by Anton Johan at 15:32 on 24 November 2009
 This post has been tagged in the following categories: Industry

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