Canadian Online Poker Players Try out New GTech Powered Site

A new online poker product created by GTech G2 is attracting curious Canadian players to see what the gaming site is all about.
The online poker network was created in conjunction with Loto-Quebec's new EspaceJeux online gambling website, and offers Canadian online players the chance to enjoy a superior poker product.
Only Quebecers are allowed to play online poker and casino games at present.
There is plenty of varied poker action at this GTech G2 powered site, including Texas Hold 'em, Canadian Stud Poker, 5 Card Draw Poker and Omaha.
Tournament action is also very important to online poker players, and the new network doesn't disappoint in that area either.
GTech G2 has gone to great lengths to create a software product that is solid and well-functioning for Loto Quebec.
When the BCLC launched its online online gambling product earlier this year, the site crashed after several hours due to shaky software, and it took a long time for players to return to the site to give it another chance.
Loto Quebec was adamant that this would not happen to its own site, and turned to GTech G2 to create a poker platform that is user-friendly, reliable and impressive.
So far, users have responded well to the new poker product, which caters to English and French speakers.
EspaceJeux hopes to expand on the poker and gaming platform in due course.