Article published on 4 March 2010

Canadian Students Educated about Gambling

Saskatchewan Gaming Authority educating young people about dangers of gambling
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A new promotion, called 'Know the Score' has been launched by the Saskatchewan Gaming Authority, with the intention of educating young people about the possible dangers of gambling.

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reported that the campaign has already piloted in another of locations where students are numerous, including the University of Regina.

The program will focus its efforts on teaching 18 - 24 year olds about potential problems facing them when they take up online gambling.

The Responsible Gambling Council claims that it has identified a higher rate of problem gambling in these age groups.

"People who are 18 - 24 are the most at risk to have a gambling problem," said John Kelly, the Chief Executive Officer of the Responsible Gambling Council. "Same as many other problems that people who are 18 to 24 can get into. So if you are 20 years old and you're going to have a gambling problem, you are much more likely to develop it at 20 than you are at 50."

Kelly claims that the world video gaming culture has made online gambling hugely appealing to students.

The 'Know the Score' campaign will also focus on online gambling.

The program offers an interactive website where students are invited to test their knowledge about gambling through a quiz.

Students are told the real chances of winning and losing in casino games and are told how to gamble safely.

"We're not trying to persuade people they have a gambling problem," said Kelly, "but if somebody does have a problem and they are in that age group, their peers are very influential and likely to be vocal about it."

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