Quebec Outlines New Online Gambling Platform

The Quebec government has outlined plans to introduce online gambling to the province by September, it was revealed last week.
Through Loto Quebec, the province will offer an online gaming platform that will incorporate poker and sports betting.
There are plans to expand this offering over time.
The Quebec Finance Minister, Raymond Bachand, said that the cabinet had approved the introduction of the new platform in order to "cannibalize illegal gambling sites", to which Canadian players are exposed to.
"I believe this to be an efficient way of fighting the underground economy," said Bachand at a press conference.
Loto Quebec will share a common platform with other gaming providers, British Columbia Lottery Corp and Atlantic City in providing games of chance to players.
There are a number of features that will make the new Quebec site meet the standards of responsible gambling.
These include limiting play to Quebec players only, self exclusion features where players can block themselves from the site at any time and various others.
"Online gambling sites obviously do not offer an assistance program for vulnerable players," said the President of Loto Quebec, Alain Cousineau. "This leaves the state to pick up the costs of problem online gambling without reaping any benefits."
If all goes well, Bachand believes that the new site will generate as much as $50 million to state coffers within three years.
Quebeckers spend around $80 million a year on internet betting sites and Loto Quebec is keen to tap into this lucrative market.
"Our citizens are not protected and the money goes to illegal channels," said Bachand.