Gambling Systems - Myth or Reality?

This is a question that has been asked since the advent of mainstream casino
gambling because human nature being what it is, most people would leap at the
chance to gain an edge - no matter how slight - over the casino or house. So the
answer to the question is yes, there are systems that can help reduce the house
edge, but none that will 'magically' make you win every time. Think about it, if
that were the case all land and online casinos would be out of business in a
matter of hours.
But as I said there are gambling systems that can help reduce the casino edge -
that is on certain games. Blackjack for instance is a casino game that not only
offers some of the best odds of winning, but can be capitalized on if you know
what you're doing. For starters you need to have a solid understanding of
'blackjack basic strategy' which provides you with a set of hard and fast rules
that if followed will help maximize your winning potential and minimize your
losing potential.
However, all this does is help to reduce the house edge. It does not guarantee
that you'll necessarily win and for one unmovable, non-negotiable reason: luck.
All, repeat, all casino games come with a good dollop of luck attached. So even
if you're using blackjack basic strategy, you have to play with the cards you
dealt which may be terrible. And that's just bad luck. Luck plays an even bigger
roll in other popular land and casino games like slots, video poker and keno.
When playing slots, there is probably only one gambling system you should
follow, but again it offers no guarantees whatsoever that you'll win. And that
is to always play the maximum bet if you're aiming to win maximum payouts and
jackpots. Remember though that the more you bet per spin, the faster you'll eat
through your playing funds. So you need to decide whether you want to play for a
long time or whether you want each and every spin to give you a shot a huge