Casino Superstitions and Luck

Despite the fact that the majority of land and online casino fans are
probably capable of grasping the mathematical odds involved in casino games,
i.e. taking a rational and logical viewpoint on their odds of winning,
surprisingly most people still believe that casino superstitions and luck play
at least some part in their casino gambling sessions. And who's to say that
gambling superstitions and luck don't play a big roll in gambling good fortune,
after all perceptions are realities.
In other words 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'. What this means is that if you
believe that rubbing your lucky rabbit's foot will help you win more at slots,
craps, roulette or whatever, then keep on rubbing it! Or if you believe that the
number 13 is unlucky, then by all means avoid gambling on the 13th of every
month. Or if 13 just happens to be your lucky number, then it may be the ideal
day of the month for you to tackle your favorite high-paying online progressive
jackpot games.
While mathematicians and statisticians may scoff at casino superstitions and the
perception that 'luck' is almost a tangible entity, what harm can come from
believing that Lady Luck may one day smile down on you and cross your palms with
greater riches than you've ever known? Answer none. As long as your
superstitions don't affect those around you. Believing you'll be luckier because
you haven't showered in a month may not go down so well with your fellow land
casino gamblers.
And when good fortune comes around, can it hurt your chances to attribute your
good fortune to good old luck? Probably not. In fact, there is some speculation
that the 'luckier' players are, the more alert and awake they are when placing
subsequent bets which helps them to win even more. As opposed to players who are
'down on their luck' who make irrational bets, and yet are still surprised when
they lose even more. But believe whatever you want if it will increase your