Article published on 8 April 2013

Religious Leaders Opposed to Toronto Casino

Voices of Opposition Heard to Toronto Casino Proposal
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New voices of opposition against the construction of a new casino in Toronto were heard on Thursday last week, when leaders of different faiths and religions gathered in the city hall.

Over 250 faith leaders representing multiple religions converged at Toronto City Hall to register their opposition of the proposed new Toronto casino, and discuss issues like problem gambling which they feel will be exacerbated if a new casino is given the green light.

"We are standing here representing 250 faith leaders from synagogues, churches, mosques, temples all across the Greater Toronto Area," said Rev. Christopher White, one of the organizers of the event. "This is the first time that you have seen this amount of commitment, cooperation on an issue that concerns all of us."

The religious leaders included a rabbi, an Anglican bishop, an imam, a guru, a Jesuit priest and many others.

Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl, who represents the Toronto Board of Rabbis said about Thursday's gathering: "This is the first, largest interfaith gathering representing such a diverse community certainly in Toronto, I believe in Ontario, perhaps in Canada, and we'll continue to speak up," he said. He also said that faith leaders were planning to continue getting together on other important issues pertaining to the city in the future.

Toronto Casino Report Due

In the coming days, the city manager is due to release a report about the pros and cons of the new Toronto casino.

A special meeting about the casino, as well as the expansion of the gambling facilities at the Woodbine Racetrack will be held sometime in May, to be headed by Mayor Rob Ford and his executive team.

City council members said that while they did not think that the opposition by religious leaders would actually change the vote, it may influence the public's opinion.

Faith leaders continued to meet with council members, allowing them to know their viewpoints on the issue and then draw their own conclusions.

Mayor Rob Ford said that despite the religious leaders' opposition, he believed that the majority of Torontonians were interested in seeing a new gaming facility.

People Support New Toronto Casino

"The majority of people want a casino," he said. "It creates 10,000 good paying jobs. I do what the majority of people want me to do."

He said that "it's what I hear from people", while acknowledging that opposition to the Toronto casino exists.

The mayor also predicted that the casino would get the go-ahead from the council in the long run.

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