Kahnawake Gaming Commission Helps Poker Players

After US authorities shut down Full Tilt Poker, Poker Stars, Ultimate Bet and
Absolute Poker in April this year on "Black Friday", some players at these poker
rooms are still unable to access their funds, including some on the Cereus Poker
While Full Tilt Poker has been in the media the most regarding the hundreds of
millions of dollars its still owe players, Cereus Poker Network sites Ultimate
Bet and Absolute Poker seem to have dropped off the radar, although they also
still owe players money.
As a result, players from these Cereus Poker Network poker rooms have contacted
the Kahnawake Gaming Commission for help in getting the sites to pay them out.
Sympathetic to their cause, the Commission recently sent the affected poker
players an email.
Kahnawake Gaming Commission Aims to Help Players
In it the Commission said it is striving to achieve a financially beneficial solution to the problem and that legal negotiations are nearing completion. It also said that it is expecting a formal advisory very soon "as player balances are the Commission's highest priority."
As the hysteria of the first few days of Black Friday turned into weeks, it soon became apparent which players would be seeing their money first. Poker Stars made arrangements to pay out its players almost straight away and has settled most debts.
But Full Tilt Poker is unable or unwilling to pay out the hundreds of millions of dollars owed to players around the world, including poker players in Canada, is still ongoing and continues to make headlines.
According to the email sent this week, the Kahnawake Gaming Commission is working hard to reach a solution that will be satisfactory to players on these two online poker rooms which have since shut down.
"In order not to jeopardize the ongoing negotiations, we have not been able to provide the regular updates we would have liked to," read the email
"Since the April 15 indictments concerning Blanca (Ultimate Bet and Absolute Poker), the KGC has continually monitored the overall situation. Special emphasis has always been placed on the player funds at Blanca Gaming."
The commission said that it would post advisories on www.gamingcommission.ca as information becomes available.