Cowell Boasts X Factor USA Betting Favorites

When music entrepreneur Simon Cowell decided to bring his successful UK song
contest X Factor to the United States, he was taking a big gamble, but now leads
the way in the X Factor USA odds at Bodog online betting site.
Cowell left X Factor UK in the hands of other judges and lured former American
Idol judge Paula Abdul to sit on the judging panel with him on the US version,
along with music producer LA Reid and singer Nicole Scherzinger.
Time will tell whether the UK version has been affected by Cowell's departure, but what is definitely certain is that Mr. Entertainment has managed to make some wise choices amongst the girls in this year's X Factor US, the group he was chosen to mentor.
Now that the show has reached its live acts stage, all four judges have put forward their four favorite singers. In the case of Simon Cowell, however, nothing is straightforward, and he asked for an exception to be made by picking a fifth girl.
As such, Melanie Amaro made it back into the competition by the skin of her teeth and, ironically perhaps, is now the current favorite at Bodog to win X Factor USA outright with odds of 9/2.
Nobody can fault Simon Cowell for wanting to bring the youngster back, as she is clearly a highly talented singer with a powerful voice. His decision to add her to the girls' lineup was backed by the other three judges in the competition.
It seems that Cowell has the Midas touch when it comes to picking talent, because the three top X Factor USA favorites at Bodog are mentored by him.
Drew Ryniewicz and Rachel Crow both carry odds of 7/1 at Bodog, while Simon's two other girls, Tiah Tolliver and Simone Battle, share odds of 15/1 that they will win the competition.
X Factor USA Odds at Bodog
X Factor USA Outright Winner Odds at Bodog:
Melanie Amaro - 9/2
Drew Ryniewicz - 7/1
Rachel Crow - 7/1
Stacy Francis - 8/1
Chris Rene - 9/1
Marcus Canty - 9/1
Simone Battle - 15/1
Tiah Tolliver - 15/1
Phillip Lomax - 18/1
Brian Bradley - 20/1
The Brewer Boys - 20/1
Lakoda Rayne - 20/1
InTENsity - 25/1
The Stereo Hogz - 25/1
LeRoy Bell - 30/1
Dexter Haygood - 35/1
Simon Cowell is also the Bodog favorite to be the judge that mentors the ultimate X Factor USA winner.
X Factor USA Judge Odds at Bodog:
Simon Cowell - 6/5
LA Reid - 2/1
Nicole Scherzinger - 4/1
Paula Abdul - 5/1