Mahjong Logic Seeking to Establish Presence in Canada

The popularity of online mahjong among Asian gamblers cannot be ignored, and Mahjong Logic is one of the key providers of software to this genre of gaming.
It was announced this week that Mahjong Logic has signed on a new licensee in the form of Tycoonbet, in the hope of establishing a stronger presence in the Canadian market.
Tycoonbet already has a strong foothold in the greater Chinese and overseas Chinese market in Canada, and Mahjong Logic's excellent brand of software will be a welcome addition to these players.
The Chief Executive Officer of Tycoonbet, Candy Lee said: "Tycoonbet is excited to add online mahjong to our current platform of games."
"Mahjong Logic has the platform and expertise which ensures our players a positive experience and will grow our overall player base. We have searched the market for the right online mahjong partner and could not be happier securing this partnership with Mahjong Logic."
In response, the Chief Executive Officer of Mahjong Logic, Jonas Alms said that 2011 continues to be a strong performing year in which his groups has built on 2010's strong performance.
"Having another operator with presence in Asia proves that the game of online mahjong along with our turnkey software are viable and in great position for future growth," he said.
"Tycoonbet is no exception as they and many other brands have scoured the world for the best possible mahjong software and have settled with Mahjong Logic as a software provider."