MP Moves to Legalize Sports Betting in Canadian Casinos

Windsor-Tecumseh NDP MP, Joe Comartin is pushing to legalize betting on individual sports games in casinos across Canada.
Comartin has introduced a private members bill in a bid to amend the criminal code.
He believes that by changing the law books, local economies will be boosted and the money will be removed from the hands of organized criminals.
He called current legislation "silly" and said: "You can bet on three CFL games, but you can't bet on just one."
The law states that it is prohibited to wager on "any race or fight, or on a single sports event or athletic contest."
"Some of this goes back hundreds of years when the King had a problem with soldiers gambling too much," said Comartin. "We need to bring it into the 21st Century."
Comartin's proposal would allow sports bettors to gamble on individual sports games, such as hockey, football, soccer, baseball and more.
At present, casinos have a sportsbook platform but players may only wager through the government-controlled Pro-Line, where betting is limited to the outcome of three or more sports competitions together.
Cormartin reminded the media that millions of Canadians already gamble, despite its 'illegal' status.
"Sports gambling is a multi million dollar industry which operates underground and unregulated throughout Canada," he said.
"This bill will help take a large chunk of revenue out of the hands of organized crime."
Comartin's intention is to keep legalized sports betting contained in legitimate casinos, making these establishments even more attractive to Canadian gamblers.