Loto Quebec Replies to Request to Reduce Number of VLTs

A public war of words was waged between the President of Loto Quebec, Alain Cousineau, and the borough mayor of Plateau Mont Royal over plans to increase the number of existing video lottery terminals.
In a public statement, mayor Luc Ferrandez said that he deplored the decision to lift an 8 year moratorium on the issuance of Quebec's VLT licenses.
"Experts who have studied this question are unanimous in saying that this form of gambling has a particularly harmful effect on public health," he stated. "It has been demonstrated that these machines generate the largest number of cases of compulsive gambling in Quebec."
He went on to state that one third of the borough's population lived below the poverty line.
In reply, Alain Cousineau issued a rather withering public statement and wrote: "A simple call to us would have allowed you to learn that in Plateau Mont Royal, 20 fewer establishments offer this type of amusement to their clientele."
"As of March 31, 2003, 60 VLT operating permits were divided between 55 establishments housing 248 VLTs in the Plateau."
"Since March of 2009, there are no more than 38 permits for 190 VLTs divided between 35 establishments - a reduction of 36%."
Cousineau went on to write: "Had you consulted the available documentation - whether on our website or at the Bibliotheque Nationale - I have no doubt you would have rejoiced at these results, rather than alarm those around you."
Ferrandez later criticized Loto Quebec for its "laconic" response.
"You will understand that we remain absolutely opposed to the presence of these machines in our neighbourhood and throughout Quebec," he stated.